Monday, August 17, 2009

Recent Stuff Wrap-Up

How have all you been? Good? That's good. How about that Radiohead? Pretty wild, eh?

It's been a busy week for me, personally. I officially feel like a grown-up workin' man after knocking out a 40+ hour work week. That sucked. But now it's over, and I'll have a nice paycheck in time for school (leaving for Kutztown on August 30th), and I can finally catch up on sleep/the world of rock 'n' roll. Let me see what I can muster up for a respectable post:

First, Woodstock was 40 years ago this weekend. I can't think of anything more anti-mainstream than the late 60's counterculture/hippie movement and the greatest concert of all time (I like to think Tim & Eric live in Philadelphia this past February was a close second). Have you seen the trailer for Taking Woodstock starring Demetri Martin, Emile Hirsch, and Eugene Levy? It looks really cool. And it's getting some nice reviews. Here you go:

My dad has a close friend who actually made it up to Bethel, New York back in '69 for the "3 Days of Peace & Music". He said it was incredible, and from all the footage and documents I've seen and read, I believe him. And my envy for those born in past generations that experienced great events like these, continues to soar to higher levels of jealousy. Dang.

Joe Cocker - "A Little Help From My Friends"

Next. Did you hear about Bob Dylan in my homeland, peeking into houses and spooking the natives? I'll go to
CNN for this one. "Like a complete unknown". The man can do no wrong, despite his wacky antics. Check out this dude's quote at the end: "Dylan was really cool about the whole incident," Ahart said. He said he asked the singer why he had been walking in the rain and was told, "I just felt like going for a walk." Weird NJ.

Moving on. Be on the look out for new music coming out soon. The latest from Destroyer and Jay Reatard (August 18th); Arctic Monkeys and Imogen Heap (August 25th); and Whitney Houston (September 1st). Guess which one I'm really excited about. And though it hasn't been proven yet, Radiohead might slip us a surprise EP or a single tomorrow. Read Jim's post to get filled in. What an exciting time for good music.

In live music news, (I should've covered this while it was happening), KUR recently broadcasted live from Musik Fest in Bethlehem, PA. The whole thing lasted from July 31st til August 9th. Our manager did a lot of the work himself, covering the artists and the festival as whole. That's a bit of a distance for me, but I heard it was great. A lot great bands: The Wallflowers, Yes, Third Eye Blind, The B-52's, and a ton of local acts.

Yes - "I've Seen All Good People"

That's all for me. But like I said, the summer really is flying by. I can't believe it. I'm getting so old...

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