Friday, August 14, 2009

Allow Me To Eat My Own Words: #1

As a semi-experienced blogger of one year and over 200 posts to date, I feel it's necessary to go back and fix some mistakes I may have stated in the past. However, that's a lot of backtracking and research and it's still my summer, so I don't think I'm going to go in too deep. But, recently I made a claim in a post regarding the band Green Day and their 2009 VMA nomination for Best Rock Video. It went a little something like this (more like, exactly like this, because it is a direct copy-and-paste):

"Truth is, MTV loves Green Day too much. My guess is those whiny Anti-Americans steal this one and further push teenagers into cliche anarchy in the "punk rock" genre of the late 00's."

And now: allow me to eat my own words.

After some soul-searching and contemplating, I'm beginning to realize that Green Day is toning down their rebellious, stand-up-to-your government, kids! attitude. That was the whole purpose of American Idiot.
Their latest, 21st Century Breakdown, make just be about the rock 'n' roll again. Certainly no Dookie, but I haven't been turned off by the singles yet. Especially "21 Guns".

Green Day - "21 Guns"

So why am I eating my own words? Because every now and again you have to take a step back and not talk out of your ass, saying whatever's pleasing to yourself. You have to realize that music is not just an art, but a career - for some. And for Green Day, whichever direction is next, they still mean something important to a lot of people and their music isn't as eye-gouging-ly awful as people like me make it out to be sometimes.

This will also tie into our "Guilty Pleasures Of The Summer" post that will be up soon.

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