Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Economy is...Bad. Real Bad.

(Blurry...yes...that's exactly what I was going for...)

Things aren't looking so great here in the States, economically. Banks are being bought on a daily basis. Jobs are being lost. Homes - no one can pay their mortgages. Gas is expensive as hell. And low and behold: we have the money to build new sports stadiums. Now I love arenas and athletics and whatnot, but hey, our country needs to get things figured out. I don't want my grandparents living through 2 "Great" Depressions, let alone myself and everyone else.

"Infrastructure world collapse." Is it upon us? Yeah, unfortunately.

But hey, we got good music (videos) coming your way!

NEW: TV on the Radio
Afros, dancing cops, sky, mountains, weird things in unison.

NEW: Jenny Lewis
Cutest (in actuality: hottest) female indie rocker of our time.

NEW: Jack White...and Alicia Keys (?)
007 won't know what hit 'em.

NEW: Oasis
Hopefully they're album won't take a spill off stage like the lead vocals, Noel Gallagher.

NEW: Everything! (Check out our fun-loving, cool parents at Stereogum...we steal from them when they're out.)

And hey, check this out: It's this week's poster, dumb-dumb:

Good stuff, eh? Well tune in this week and you'll be happy. And not depressed. Promise.

Here's last week's poster, too. Because we were lazy and forgot. Fun collectibles - no?:

P.P.S. Our blog is getting some serious changes done to it! It's going to look legit! Not all Microsoft Paint-esque. Keep it here, at NMTM.

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